Past four months

One of my colleagues aka a lecturer asked me what have I picked up during past few months. It made my mind come to halt. What have I learnt? It was a good question. It seemed like she knows how I feel all the time. She's great. So, I give myself a task to organize what I have learnt. Here is the list.

  1. Firstly, of course it is as my post, I have learnt how to create mold. I've no basic skill about it at all. So, here I am now, able to create mold at least. 
  2. Basic knowledge about Moldflow. I can simulate it out quite well. I wasn't given any sophisticated product and I have no idea what the outcome would be if I were to be given that. 
  3. My UG skill improved!!! This is the most important skill I should have picked up. I was able to handle modeling during Poly time. With a complicated model I've drawn in past months, I suppose I learnt a few approaches.
  4. Become more familiar with MS office - word, excel, powerpoint. By helping out lecturer with their works, I know deeply about MS office. 
  5. Basic knowledge about sharepoint. I helped software lab to do a webpage, perhaps it's time for me to learn new skill afterall. Yes, I created a sub page by using sharepoint. I suppose I'm going to learn about dreamweaver very soon.
  6. Apart from learning all these new skills, I was involved in organizing a competition for secondary schools. Which might as well helped me to improve in time management and beforehand preparation skill.
  7. Hehe :-D-|-- I did pick up new language, Japanese! Working whole day  made me worn out. I started watching anime after work which makes me urge to learn Japanese language. Yes, I'm able understand basic Japanese speaking and able to read kana and some kanji. I'm still learning in progress. I guess I will improve a lot by next year.
  8. Last but not least, I picked up how to swim and play pool with staff facilities. Haha :) basically it is more to enjoy myself. 

Woot... I'm able to list down eight. So what next. I'm still left with 8 months to go. 4months for 8. Probably, I will be able to list down 16 after next 8months. Who knows! 

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